Friday, December 01, 2006

Why does every thing come back to the bathroom?

You know how you have one of those days. And you become more appreciative of the next day that went better. Well, I am finally having 'the next day' after about 2 weeks of 'one of those days'.

I actually had breakfast, and before 11:30 when Mark has lunch.

I actually had a full workout, but to be fair I have managed to get my run on the treadmill in almost every day. The exciting part is taking my ear buds out and realizing that Abby hadn't rolled over in bed while I was in the basement thus bringing on hissy fits.

I did manage, after 4 days, to finish my Access list of Christmas Card receivers. And I printed out the envelopes. If you would like to receive a Christmas Card from the Expressions of Love household, e-mail me at daniels_mommy04 at yahoo dot com.

I am wondering though why every thing in a mommy's life comes back to poop. After hosing both kids down from poopy explosions this morning, I let Abby cry in her crib just so I could pee. Mark follows me in and I ask him, 'Can't mommy go pee by herself?!?'

Big ol' doe eyes just stare up at me, as serious as could be, shaking his head slowly. 'Nooo.'